A Unique Investigation of Knowledge Transfer Practices within the Muslim Business Community in Edinburgh

Document Type : Research Paper


College of Medicine, School of Clinical Science, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK


The aim of this research was to understand the dynamisms relating to knowledge transfer processes and practices, which exist within a business community in Edinburgh Scotland. The methodology used within this study was a uniquedesign methodology to include 20 in-depth interviews with participants from four local organizations. The sample group consisted of males aged between 20 and 70. The sample was selected to include people with different levels of management experiences. Data were analyzed using framework analysis but interpreted using a unique and multifaceted lens (POPC). Results indicated that knowledge transfer practices within this participant group are derived by continuous identification and filling of knowledge gaps from the participants’ real world view. Definitions of knowledge and barriers to transfer have no justification for existence within this sphere of individual or collective perspective. Definition of a standard knowledge transfer practice within the participant group was inconclusive, if reflected from modern organizational theory. Transfer of knowledge was enacted using unfamiliar network collaborations and previously undocumented knowledge frameworks. Knowledge transfer stakeholders, gatekeepers and participants of all levels should be encouraged to understand and appreciate alternative aspects of management theory. This could align business methods currently enacted within the groups and businesses studied. Further study could then reconsider the complex relationship between social group dynamics and organizational efficiency as an individual topic.   


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